Skills for Life PHS Winter 2025

  Skills for Life
  1/23/2025 - 3/13/2025
  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  Payson High School

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Skills for Life: The Overlooked Secrets of MIND-POWER and their Skills For Life:

Like Ron Weasley, have you been wearing the “Locket” all day? Are you stuck in tiresome patterns that do not seem to end? Is what you want, getting in the way of the feeling you desire? Are you seeking the sense of what you want more than the thing itself? How much of your reality do you create? Greetings, my name is Tyler McCormick. I am a certified RET Life Coach, IRT Practitioner, RET Technician, and RET Skills for Life facilitator.  The course I will be teaching is RET Skills for Life. This class will be an eight week course to cover both an introductory overview of the seven principles of RET Skills for Life and each principle individually, totaling eight classes. In these classes, I will be showing tried and true mental techniques to improve overall life-patterns in a non-sensational, practical, transforming way. Come aboard and learn about these overlooked, life-changing principles and their limitless power. Class limit: min 5 max 20

Class dates: Jan. 23, 30 Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 Mar. 6, 13 Time: 7-8 pm  PHS Room; Class limit: min 5 max 20